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LABORATORIO ELETTROFISICO is a global company specializing in engineering, design, and manufacture of the world’s most precise magnetizing and magnetic measuring equipment. Nearly 100 employees worldwide ...
临安市乌渡线带厂成立于1994年,是一家生产各类电机绑扎线、电机引出线及各类绝缘套管的专业厂家。工厂位于风景秀美的杭州西郊国家级森林公园青山湖畔,毗邻杭徽高速公路,环境幽雅,地理位置优越,交通十分便利。 工厂拥有先进的高速编织机设备5000余台,年生产能力10亿米,通过ISO9001:2000和ISO4000环境体系认证以及汽车行业IATF16949认证。拥有E242776和E233623两大UL ...
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The predecessor of Ganzhou LongPont is Cheng Du Longpont Composite Ltd.,which began to research and test aramid paper since 1997.Through more than ten years,after being invested hundreds ...
LORD Corporation is a diversified technology and manufacturing company developing highly reliable adhesives, coatings, motion management devices, and sensing technologies that significantly reduce risk ...