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APICAL World -- Real World Applications
Motors & Generators
A typical locomotive traction motor when stalled can reach a temperature of 400°C to 500°C in just a short period of time. High performance ...
我们专注于汽车行业为主的材料供应和生产制造,提供各种新材料及加工技术解决方案,目前主要加工业务有精密模切、高品质标签印刷、泡棉加工、绝缘加工和汽车小总成件。2016年9月位于浙江嘉善的新工厂正式投入运营,新工厂总投资6000万人民币,总用地面积20729平米。 公司于2017年被评为国家高新技术企业,并荣获国家知识产权局多项专利授权。我们注重产品研发和生产技术的持续提升,重视对专业人才的 ...
KREMPEL'S wide-ranging product portfolio includes electrical insulation materials for High-Voltage, Oil Transformers, Dry Transformers and Motors.

We offer a wide variety of solutions as well as the ...