
LORD Corporation

No.333, North Riying Rd., China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone
200131 Shanghai

电话: +86 21 31330800
传真: +86 21 20422361
电子邮件: marketing_china@lord.com
网址: www.lord.com


展位: F09

洛德公司 (LORD Corporation) 是一家多元化的技术和制造企业,致力于开发高度可靠的胶粘剂、涂料、振动和运动管理设备以及可以显著降低风险并改进产品性能的传感技术。90 多年来,洛德一直与客户通力合作,在石油和天然气、航空航天、国防、汽车和工业等领域提供创新解决方案。洛德的全球总部位于美国北卡罗来纳州的凯瑞市,在 26 个国家和地区拥有约 3000名员工,在全球范围内拥有 19个生产基地和 10 个研发中心。洛德积极投身 STEM 教育项目和其他社会参与项目。更多详情,请访问 http://www.lord.com。


CoolTherm® 灌封胶

我们的灌封胶在定子绕组和散热器之间提供了强大的热界面。 它们不仅具有高导热性,而且粘度低,使其能够流入细微间隙。 此外,灌封胶的高玻璃化转变温度 (Tg) 可满足 H 级和 N 级电机的要求,而且不产生热应力开裂。

CoolTherm® 胶粘剂

我们的胶粘剂可以匹配标准 MMD (计量 - 混合 - 注胶)设备,为您的应用提供结构完整性。 同时,我们的导热胶粘剂不仅提供结构粘接,还解决了导热问题。
 增强设计灵活性: 不再受机械夹具的约束,能够粘合各种基底材料,您可以自由地去探索其可能性。
 降低复杂度: 减少对紧固件的需求,从而简化电池模组的设计。

CoolTherm® 填缝剂

鉴于电动车辆的应用理念,通过使用导热填缝剂填充所有的角落和裂隙,获得最佳的电池性能。 这是一种原位固定的解决方案,固化成凝胶,缓解由热力差异和柔性不同造成的应力。
 低挥发: 我们为敏感的电子应用提供低挥发的解决方案,可挥发的硅氧烷含量可以控制在数个 ppm 范围内。
 抵御冲击: 我们的填缝剂能持久保持粘性和柔软,以起到防振的作用




Thermal Conductive Materials


LORD Corporation Becomes a $1 Billion Company

CARY, N.C. – LORD Corporation, a global diversified technology and manufacturing company, has achieved $1 billion in sales.
“Becoming a $1 billion company is a significant milestone for LORD. We appreciate the collaborative relationships we have with our customers and partners – relationships that have enabled us to achieve new heights,” said Ed Auslander, President and CEO, LORD Corporation. “Every team member at LORD is dedicated to creating innovative solutions and technologies that add value for our customers. This is our passion and will continue to position us for additional growth in 2019 and beyond.”
For 95 years, LORD has developed solutions that move every person in the world. What began as a small family business, sparked by the need for problem-solving inventions, has grown into a global enterprise with more than 3,000 employees in 26 countries. Through ever-changing marketplaces and economic climates, LORD has persevered, pivoting its strategy when needed to align with customer expectations, as well as industry trends. This has enabled significant growth for the company in key industries such as aerospace, automotive, oil & gas, and industrial.
“LORD had a momentous year in 2018,” shared Auslander. “Not only did we win our biggest contract in company history with Boeing; we also celebrated growth across the globe, including an $80 million investment to expand our Saegertown, Pa. facility and the opening of a $12 million state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Pont de l'Isère, France.” As a leading player in booming industries, like Electric Vehicles for which its Thermal Management product line is key, LORD has set itself apart from competitors through a deep understanding of customer desires and challenges. “We are proud of reaching $1 billion,” added Auslander. “But this is just the beginning of making the impossible real for our customers.” For more information on LORD’s milestone, and to view an interactive experience about who LORD is and how its solutions are weaved into everyday life, visit innovatingtogether.lord.com.